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Make an Album With Mike (MAWMer Flexible 5)

Make an Album With Mike (MAWMer Flexible 5)

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I'm working closely with a small group of musicians and producers for 3 months to complete our albums by December 1st 2023. Whether you're making a release-ready album or a collection of 10-12 individual songs/tracks, the "Make an Album With Mike" (MAWM) program will mean you get a bunch of high-quality music release ready!

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Here are the 4 Phases of Making an Album

NOW: Preparation

On August 3 (August 4, Aus/NZ), we will meet for our "Preparation Session".

Here I'll show you precisely how to get ready to make the best album you can.

This phase is light on commitment and time.

You'll experiment to gain clarity on your musical direction.

And I'll help you organise and arrange your life outside the studio.

This will set you up so that even with work, family, friends and life - you can laser-focus on making the best possible album.

Sept 1st - 28th: Idea Generation

Extreme quantity is the best method to create high-quality songs that work together.

So we'll turbocharge your idea generation to discover what your album could become.

(I can’t wait to see your “amazed” face when this happens!) 🤓

Sept 29th - Oct 26th: Execution

First, you'll say "no" to most of the ideas you’ve made.

So you can focus on those which resonate.

You'll still work on more than ends up on the final album so you won't have to force ANYTHING.

By focusing on the best, building draft arrangements that "just work" is a breeze.

Oct 27th - Nov 30th: Presentation

By now, some songs will be "musts". Others will be "possibles".

Starting with the "musts", we'll go deep into solving the problems in your album tracks.

Together we’ll iron out the issues between you and that album you can be proud of!

Our final deadline is December 1st

This gives us a week to finish up any bits and pieces, so you can work on getting the tracks release ready (or released).

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Here’s how the Make an Album With Mike program works:

M.A.W.M. Team Coaching

Every Thursday, we will meet for 2 hours. We'll alternate between:

a. Thoughtnado Sessions (bi-weekly from August 31st)
"Thoughtnados" are my thinking tools designed to deliver deep insight into your music. Thinking like this increases the quality of your music AND removes wasted hours of frustration.

b. Studio Hours (bi-weekly from September 7th)
I will personally help you solve the inevitable problems you’ll face making your album.

Bring music for feedback.

Or a problem you're stuck on.

Together we’ll find a breakthrough.

NOTE: to keep it simple, ALL SESSIONS start at the same time - 3pm EST (New York).

PLUS: All sessions are recorded. So if you can’t make it you won’t miss a thing.

Weekly Music Sessions

Either attend the "Magic Music Machine" sessions live on Zoom - or join the recorded replays.

During the sessions, you'll make your music with others making theirs. This is "Solo Collaboration" - a weekly lightning bolt of motivation and clarity. 2.5 hours of focused music-making feels like 2.5. minutes!

I'll give you step-by-step music games to unlock your creativity. I will design them bespoke for the needs/wants of the album team at every phase.

These sessions start at 3pm on September 3 2023 (EST/New York), then weekly until November 26.

PLUS - after the MAWM program is finishes on December 1st, you’ll get lifetime access to the ongoing Magic Music Machine program to continue making music with other Music Machine users.

(NOTE: All sessions are recorded if this doesn't work with your schedule. So you can do them when you want.)

Plus between sessions, you can ask questions, support others, and share your progress with your community and coaches.

M.A.W.M. Team Community

You'll also join a private MAWM-only area of the Make Music Your Life Tribe. Between sessions, we'll share successes, stay accountable, and solve your problems.

“Sweet Release!” Bonus Session

MAWM is focused on making the album, so you'll have it done by December 1.

But in this final session, after celebrating our success, we'll focus on releasing and promoting your album to maximise exposure.

I've run MAWM once and learnt from the first group. So I can't wait to share my improved methods to make an album with you. I can't wait to design new tools for your specific needs.

When you add the ongoing motivation of making our albums together as a team?

I KNOW this will be an extraordinary experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

When do the Live Sessions happen?

There will be two weekly sessions - Magic Music Machine sessions and Thoughtnado/Studio Hours sessions - until the album deadline.

Every Music Machine session will be on Monday at 5AM Brisbane​.

(Note: This time zone does NOT observe Daylight Savings Time)

If you're living outside of Australia, the sessions happen at:
Monday at 5AM Sydney
Sunday at 8PM London​
Sunday at 9PM Berlin​
Sunday at 12PM Los Angeles​
Sunday at 3PM New York

Every Thoughtnado/Studio Hours will be on Friday at 5AM Brisbane​.

If you're living outside of Australia, the sessions happen at:
Friday at 5AM Sydney
Thursday at 8PM London​
Thursday at 9PM Berlin​
Thursday at 12PM Los Angeles​
Thursday at 3PM New York

I'm worried I'll miss out if I can't be there for all Live Sessions...

You won't miss anything! The purpose of MAWM is for you to make an album WITHOUT destroying your life. :)

You do NOT have to make every weekly session. The reason there are so many is to provide support when you need it and to make each individual session less important.

The “Thoughtnado” sessions are more important (as we’ll be doing thinking exercises to help with the album.

But the Studio Hours sessions are simply Q&A / coaching sessions, which are optional.

I don’t think there’s anyone who came to all the sessions (except me and another coach)! In fact, a few people didn’t make any and simply did the program using the recordings. They loved it!

Plus, with the recordings, I make it very easy for you to catch up. I clearly mark the videos you can ignore and those which are essential.

What if I can’t make a session?

No worries! While it’s ideal to attend live, for Make an Album With Mike there are replays of the live sessions so you can always catch up if you have to miss a live session.

I make it very easy for you to catch up. I clearly mark the videos you can ignore and those which are essential.

How long do I have access?

You have access to the recordings of all sessions for life. In addition, you have lifetime access to the Magic Music Machine sessions.

How long are the live sessions?

The Magic Music Machine sessions are 2 hours 30 minutes. The Thoughtnado/Studio Hours are 2 hours (occasionally we run over, but you don't have to stay the entire time).